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Color Palatte

Falco Road Marking

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Falco Road Marking is a based on special alkyd resin and chlorinated rubber blended with rich pigments having good color retention even when exposed to extreme climate condition. It has excellent durability, flexibility and quick drying, It is highly water resistant, non bleeding on asphalt and unaffected by gasoline, oil etc. It has good mechanical and abrasion resistance.


Product Description
Falco Road Marking is a based on special alkyd resin and chlorinated rubber blended with rich pigments having good color retention even when exposed to extreme climate condition. It has excellent durability, flexibility and quick drying, It is highly water resistant, non bleeding on asphalt and unaffected by gasoline, oil etc. It has good mechanical and abrasion resistance.

Recommended Usage
To be used for kerbstone, Road ways, Traffic Crossing, Airports, Service Station, Parking lots.


Additional information



Surface Preparation
The surface must be clean, dry and free from dust, oil, grease and any contaminations.


Brush          Roller          Spray

Spray Data
Pressure at nozzle : 150 kg/cm2 (2100 PSI)
Nozzle tip (inches) : 0.013 – 0.021
Spray Angle : 600 – 80o
Filter : be sure that the filters are clean.

Application Method
Apply two coats of Falco Road Marking by brush, roller and spray thinned with Thinner 1010 (10-15% by volume).

Recommended paint system:
• Falco Road Marking 2 coats

Addition of glass beads to the paint improves the visibility and increases its effective life.
Normally glass beads are added at a rate of 0.4 to 0.5 Kg/m2. It can be added to the wet paint surface.

Note: paint system may be varying according to the substrate.